Wind Power Talk

Resource site for links discussing issues around wind mill turbines - and particular focused on the Allegheny, West Virginia, projects and protest campaigns

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Delmarva Power rejects Wind Power as too expensive

Not just West Virginia but now Delaware has woken up to the true costs of wind projects and the unsurmountable problem of 30% availability and need for 70% of the time buying electricity on the spot market to offset.

Notice the only country with major offshore windpower - Denmark - has two giant neighbors in Norway and Sweden who sell them hydro-generated electricity. In other words for Denmark - who would otherwise be buying all their electricity from partner countries - offshore wind is offsetting their trade balance costs - because their own traditional in-country generation capacity is minimal.

Everywhere else in the world - there is no offset - so the result is in effect paying for electricity TWICE! Traditional generation and then wind as well.

Fortunately everyone is waking up to this craziness and the impact on their electricity bills.

Delmarva Power is calling for studies on alternatives.  Just like for West Virginia biomass is one mentioned option to achieve sustainable 20% generation capacity.  Unlike West Virginia, Delmarva power is actively calling for review of these other sources.  

See news article here.


At 5:56 AM, Blogger Tom Noyes said...

I have taken a close look at Delmarva Power's consultant's report:

As one observer noted, it is "not particularly transparent."


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